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EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching


Life is the best teacher - Nature is the best preacher.


EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching

Your Coach
& Inspirer

EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching
EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching

Who am I

EDEN COACH, jouw healing coach en specialist in gesprekstherapie en cranio sacrale therapie

I am Ilse Augustijnen and cannot be cought under one denominator.
Thirty years ago, I started researching the deeper meaning of a human 'being'.
Several courses including Cranio Sacral Therapy, Coaching, Cayce massage, Gemology, Access Consciousness as well as years of self-study provided me with more knowledge and insight.
Everything is connected - everything is cause and effect. The human psyche, Anthroposophical Sciences, Astrological Sciences and my own life path

drivers for me to delve even deeper into the matter of body, soul and spirit.

I want to share both knowledge and experience and help people.

It is my life’s mission.

EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching
EDEN COACH, jouw healing coach en specialist in gesprekstherapie en cranio sacrale therapie

EDEN for you

EDEN COACH, jouw healing coach en specialist in gesprekstherapie en cranio sacrale therapie

Paradise on earth, harmony and unity in everyone's existence and respect for all that 'is'... it seems like an illusion.


And yet I am convinced that paradise is there for everyone provided consciousness expansion.

I can help illuminate your path and give you better insights into yourself, into your situation.

Self-awareness is a process. Reversing thought patterns takes courage and perseverance.

EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching
EDEN COACH, jouw healing coach en specialist in gesprekstherapie en cranio sacrale therapie

Discover the offer

EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching


EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching

Craniosacral therapy

EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching




Annoying emotions, difficult choices, unresolved questions obstruct one's life journey.
Life coaching is a form of counselling in which people can change for the better.

Analysis of self-knowledge enriched with insights from the coach help to achieve the set goal. Through conversation and exercises, your personal development is stimulated.

I can guide you on your path towards a more balanced life, a more positive mindset, to more energy and self-confidence.

Coach Healing Craniosacraal Holistisch, burnout, stress, rouwen, Verlies, Help, Postnatale depressie Spiritueel, Gezondheid, Astrologie
Cranio sacrale therapie bij EDEN COACH

Craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy is an energetic treatment. 
Through gentle touch, you touch the craniosacral system and appeal to the body's self-healing ability. Compare it to your skin recovering after you cut your finger.


This natural process of self-healing can be disturbed by an accident, surgery, illness, stress, grief, loss, fear, anger.... 

Body, soul and spirit form one whole with the connective tissue as the connecting element. By following this tissue from your feet to your skull, I feel where the interference is. With gentle touches and subtle movements, the body's self-healing capacity is stimulated.


Sometimes this is accompanied by a physical or emotional release after which relaxation follows. The connective tissue regains its space and mobility and the body recovers.

Cranio sacrale therapie


At any point in your life, something can happen that makes you feel lost, at the end of your tether and therefore lose your footing.

A good conversation can help you gain new insights. Dealing with grief and loss, illness, fears ... talk about it because talking helps.

Possibly there is a recurring pattern that keeps bringing you down. I help you find the key so you can move on again.

Some examples:
Talking about grief helps because you don't grieve alone.

Understanding promotes emotional letting go.

Acceptance is the beginning of the healing process.

Memories are there to be cherished.

The best gift for those who are no longer here: live your life in self-confidence and happiness!

gesprekstherapie bij Ilse van EDEN COACH
EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching


EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching

Hilda, 33 years old

I was a bit sceptical but after the first session I already felt a positive change.


Thanks for the insights and inspirations.


I already feel less anxious and have more confidence

EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching

Tom, 56 years old

I feel reborn and never thought I would shed my tears.


I like to keep control. Quite a relief!


I look forward to our next session

EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching

Linda, 62 years old

Before, I was all over the place. I realise that all too well now. Talking about it does indeed help. You feel so much and you know where to put your finger (literally and figuratively). I have no words for it. The healing afterwards was the icing on the cake. A blissful feeling and so soothing. Thank you!

EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching


All sessions require an appointment and can be booked through the below e mail address. Coaching and talk therapy can also be done online.


Every person is unique, every treatment is different. We adjust the treatment to your needs. 

An energetic treatment has a long-lasting effect. The reaction to it is different for each individual. Drinking enough water after the treatment is recommended.


Sometimes I ask for your astrological data because it gives me more insight into who you are, where your talents lie and what your main learning path is in this life. It is a tool to guide you better. After all, life is all about one thing: becoming the best version of yourself and living your life as it was originally intended.

Contact me
EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching
Frequently Asked Questions
EDEN COACH, gesprekstherapie, cranio sacrale therapie, healing, coaching

Ilse Augustijnen

Schanslaan 138

2150 Borsbeek

TEL0475 74 01 85

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Appointments can be made by telephone or via the contact form below.

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